Busy place

With ten or more people in the shop each day and everyone busy working on all kinds of projects in all degrees of finish it is a very busy place. Room is at a premium and it requires everyone to work together and help each other out frequently. The days sure go by quickly but an amazing amount of very creative work is accomplished each and every day. 

Tonight I took a picture after everyone had gone home and things had quieted down. Only the router continued to work in the back room.

colorful shop.png

Earlier in the day I grabbed this picture of Peter as he sculpted the last of the detail on the bucking bronco.

peter finishing horse sculpt.png

The bucking bronco is now ready for paint and looking good!

horse sculpt finished.png

I managed to squeeze in some sculpting time as well today. Dusty, the tortoise is now ready for paint.

dustys sculpt done.png

The rough shape for the apothecary snake was also sculpted today. He's going to be fun!

snake sculpt started.png

Tomorrow we'll pick up where we left off today. Stay tuned...

-grampa dan