Today it rained so hard it would have choked a frog. Not a nice day to work in. Concrete work was out of the question. The crew arrived shivering and damp just from the walk from their cars to the site. I felt much the same. But the deadline is pressing and there is a great deal left to be done so it was a day to throw up some tarps and do work under the eaves as much as possible.
I hunkered down under a tarp to do some welding on the small cabin by the pond. Marty stapled wire under the saloon eaves. The rest of the crew broke out the wiring tools to tie on mesh in readiness of the sunny days ahead when concrete will be again possible. Ashley was under the wave swinger wiring the beams as were Jenessa, Kendra, TJ and Peter.
Down in the bike rental area Matt, Jack and Sarah were busy wiring under the porch roof.
We made the best of a very rainy Thursday. Some Timi's donuts helped brighten the mood a little. Tomorrow the sun is bound to shine at least a little.
-grampa dan