Every once in a while we all need to look at the things we are doing. We need to ask ourselves what changes need to be made. We need to define our target in order to know where to aim. It's true in my life and in our business too.
As we get closer to the end of our current project and through the design of the next we are thinking even further into the future. What kind of work do we WANT to do then? The answer is more of the same. And also projects that are even more fun and more imaginative than ever.
As we discussed our short and long term goals the other day an image came to my mind. The concept art was for a project I had designed but not built a number of years ago. It graphically summed up where we wish to go in our future.
We want to be the go-to-guys for projects that are off the wall and over the moon.
-grampa dan