Gruffle characters

The wave swinger ride in Trinidad is to be called the Yardarm Twist, It will be custom made and decorated to fit the theme of the park. One of our tasks is to come up with the paint scheme. We decided to showcase the Gruffles who 'built' this land. Each of the upper panels will honor one of the characters - sixteen in all.

ride diagram.png

Some have already been created as we did the park design. Skallywag is of course the pirate king.

skallywag panel.png

Kookie is the chef who prepares the meals and owns the restaurant in the establishment.

cookie panel.png

Twister owns and operates the Yardarm Twist.

twister panel.png

Ernest, the Engineer operates the train that circles the land.

engineer panel.png

New faces are being added until we get to the required sixteen Gruffle pirates. Dug is the gardener when he isn't out pirating..

dug panel.png

We aren't quite sure what Spex does.

spex panel.png

Stay tuned for more as they are created.

-grampa dan