Cool vignettes - almost

A 'vignette' is defined as a small, yet remarkable illustration or scene. The park is full of them at every turn. With each passing day things are a little more complete. Extra construction materials and tools are slowly being put away and bits and pieces of packing materials left strewn about are gradually cleaned up. Final concrete decks and sidewalks are at last complete as of today. While many of the various elements are finished there are often unfinished bits and pieces in the background. Photographs of the final features in their finished form are not yet possible. 

The Carousel and Balloon Adventure areas look pretty good, save for the unpainted fence posts and the empty planter. The decks still need a good power wash too.

carousel and balloon adventure sign.png

The Pedal Power area also looks pretty cool with the freshly poured concrete sidewalks but the sprinkler system pipes need hooking up and the planters need filling. Closer inspection reveals that the grate is still taped over and the doors still need painting. In the dark background under the canopy there are many signs to go up as well.

pedal power sign complete.png

The gold panning area looks pretty good until you look really close, Empty planters and missing ropework let on there is more to be done. The stark white lamp shades still need attention as well.

water tower complete.png

A different angle of the same area reveals painters still hard at work close by. Planters need filling and the whole area needs a good presure wash.

side view water tower.png

The Wave Swinger sign and operator's booth look fabulous until we look really close. The grout lines between the rocks still need painting. These planters too need soil and some foliage. Construction materials in the background need putting away and a general pressure wash would make the decks and stairs sparkle.

wave swinger sign complete.png

With four working days yet to go all of these little things and a thousand more will be done. Only then wll the gates swing open. Then at last I will be able to get pictures of the completed work with no distractions in the background. I can hardly wait.

-grampa dan