It's a sign

I still consider myself a sign guy, even though we do so much more than just make signs. Because of this I get excited when it is time to create an imaginative dimensional sign.

This week the first two of many signs are in the works. The first is the Treasure Quest sign for the kid's play area. The concept design started off very much like the sign for the kid's play area in Cultus Lake Adventure Park but I wasn't worried for I knew we would tweak it as production started.

treasure quest.png

With the heights of our project limited to seven and a half feet( by the shipping containers ) the parrot had to move down the tree and now will sit on a lower branch. We'll now sculpt a stack of gold coins on top and a pearl necklace draped over the sign, alluding to the treasure hidden in the park. This tree will get it's sculpted concrete skin later this week and the parrot sculpt will follow soon after that.

sign in place.png

The second sign was started about ten months ago when I sculpted Cookie as a demo piece at our Sculpting Magic Workshop last fall. The bottom of the sign which he sits on is now carved and the final assembly and paint will happen this coming week.

cookies kitchen.png

More signs are in the beginning stages as well and pretty soon our shop will look a lot like a colorful theme park with my favorite kind of sign at every turn. Stay tuned to watch the progress...

-grampa dan