Today was one of the most gorgeous days of the year. Very warm but not hot, and with the mountains starting to show their fall colors it was absolutely beautiful. I took it real easy, reviewing my notes and pictures for the coming workshops and simply relaxing. Action will ramp up in the coming days as final preparations are made for the workshops and we continue with normal production in the shop as well.
On my way back from town this morning I detoured up to Cultus Lake Adventure Park to liesurely look around one last time before they close for the season at the end of the month. The park was not yet open for the day. In the quietness I simply enjoyed every corner of the park looking closely at and taking in all the work we, together with Chris' crew accomplished in the last year. The park looks great from every angle. The plants and landscaping are filling in nicely. Despite having many tens of thousands of guest interacting with our pieces they all look like new. The staff took good care of the park thrugh the summer.
It was good to relax but tomorrow we'll hit the ground running.
-grampa dan