Thank you Sarah

Each of our crew comes to us with a set of dreams. My deal with them is simple. My job is to help them with their dreams and their task is to help me with mine.

Today is Sarah's last day with us. She came more than five years ago, still in high school, then worked both part time and full time as she worked her way through university achieving a degree in kinesiology. In the last couple of years she has generously put her permanent career on hold to help us through our large projects and through some tough deadlines. But the time has come at last for Sarah to take up a new career. It is time for Sarah's dream and we wish her the very best. THANKS!

In true Sarah fashion the day won't be a sad one. When I came out of my office this morning I was greeted by my crew...  dressed up for Halloween and looking a lot like me. It was kind of scary!  More is planned I'm sure.