Telling the story

We love to tell stories visually. This little piece is a complete story in itself. Those who know a little Canadian history and are good at solving puzzles should be able to figure out the name of the ship. Clues abound for those who look closely.

The name of the boat is the BEAVER. This is given away by the beaver swimming down to the wreck.  The Beaver was the first steamship to operate in the Pacific Northwest of North America. She served off the coast from 1836 until 1888 when she was wrecked by an inebriated crew who ran her aground on rocks at Prospect Point. The gaping hole in the side of the shop and the rocks on which the ship leans give more clues. Adjacent to the bow of the ship, partially buried in the silty bottom are two empty bottles with the label XXX, telling that part of the sad tale. The model is based on a historical photo.