I've always loved steam trains and so I immediately grab every chance I get to build one. In order to build a believable engine I first needed to do a little homework about the real thing. The engine for the Runaway Train roller coaster will be a Porter style locomotive. Its a small 0-4-0 which means it has no pilot wheels, four driver wheels and no trailing wheels. This would allow it to safely navigate the tight corners of a mining railroad. Yesterday I welded up the basic frame and tracks. Today it was time for some running gear detail.
The steam cylinders were first, short lengths of some heavy pipe cut to length and then some ends welded on. I then welded in a square tubing cross member and it was ready to mount to the frame. The top exhaust manifolds were next.
Then I painted up the wheels with iron paint (which are already beginning to rust beautifully) and mounted them to the frame. The connecting rods finished things off nicely.
There's a little more work required to finish off the frame a running gear but pretty soon it will be time to begin work on the cab and boilers. It will be looking much more like a train in a hurry.