The shuffle game

Each time we add a new machine or piece of equipment it means a re-think of how everything is arranged in the shop in the interest of efficiency and ease of working. With the addition of a large machine like the new MultiCam plasma cutter it involves a major reshuffle. That process began this week. The concrete mixing area was disassembled but then we were at a standstill. The twenty foot storage container needed moving.  We had to bring in the big guns. That meant it was time to give our good and generous neighbour Gord a call. He brought over his Bobcat with the fork attachment. While he managed the lift (one end at a time) I pushed with our little tractor to move it sideways. In twenty minuted the container was in it's new home. Gord then repositioned the sand storage bin and other bits before he headed back home with a friendly wave. Now we can begin preparing the concrete pad for the new machine. Soon, we are going to be more efficient than ever! :)