TEDx dress rehearsal

After months of thinking, writing, assembling pictures, editing and practicing, the time has come to present my thoughts at the local TEDx conference. The local audience is small but there is a possibility of reaching a much larger audience online in the future. It is exciting!

This evening I attended the the dress rehearsal. Each participant only had three or four minutes to test sound levels and quickly check our slides to make sure everything was working as it should. Today's rehearsal was also a chance to run through the introductions and practice putting on the microphone and also get used to the layout of the venue. It was both fun and exciting!

The event will be live-streamed through the day tomorrow (Saturday February 27, 2016). http://tedxchilliwack.com/live-cast-2016/  I am the LAST of twenty-one speakers and will go on between 4:30-5:00 pm PACIFIC TIME (or so)