We've been working on building features for Trinidad in our shop for almost two years. It has been exciting to create each feature and then load them into containers and see them off. Now as I visit the worksite in Trinidad I see the many containers lined up in a long rows, knowing the treasures inside. It is even more exciting to see the infrastructure now rising out of the ground. To a novice the site is confusing, with thousands of rebars protruding out of the ground as they build seemingly endless and random forms for concrete walls around them. But having worked on the plans for three and a half years I see so much more. The owner watched me as I walked among the piles of dirt, rebar,, forming and partially formed walls today and asked me what I was thinking. I smiled and told him it all looked wonderful! I told him I could also see so much more! I could clearly visualize the finished park, the features and landscaping in place, hiding what was there today. Even more, I could hear the music playing, waterfalls splashing and happy people enjoying our creation. All of it was crystal clear. This is going to be a wonderful place!