The 2016 Sign Challenge is now only seven weeks distant. I suspect that there are a bunch of sign makers now scrambling to put together their ideas and build their entries. Peter and I have been content that our projects are ready to go and have been since the new year. But then I got a call on Friday from our friends at Coastal Enterprises who will be attending the International Sign Association Expo as a vendor. Every couple of years I do a display piece for them... and this is the year. As I thought about what I would make an idea popped into my head.... a very cool idea! It wasn't suitable for my supplier but it would definitely make an awesome Sign Challenge piece... So what to do? I decided that the piece I had already created for the contest would go to Coastal Enterprises. It would look great in their booth and it was built largely using their product. The fancy little piece would also be a way to encourage those who visited the Coastal Enterprises booth to check out all of the Sign Challenge entries. That meant I had to kick the new piece into gear in a BIG way and in a hurry for we plan on sending off our entries to the show in the next ten days. In less than an hour I had designed the first of the routing files and set the MultiCam CNC router in motion. What's the fabulous new idea and what does my new piece look like? Stay tuned...