Workshop eve...

As we welcomed each of the participants to our last Sculpture Magic Workshop I found myself as eager and excited as the very first workshop we hosted almost ten years ago. Back then I wondered how we would fill three long days with things they didn't already know. This time my concern is how we will possible fit everything we want to share inside that brief time. As each student arrived today I could clearly see their eagerness to begin, their excitement to actually be here in our shop. Most have followed us for years, have seen pictures of work and our space online and in the magazines. Now they were actually feeling the magic we get to experience every day. Like the first workshop, and all of them since I seriously take the responsibility to deliver much more than we promise or what they anticipate. We of course will freely share what we do and how we do it. More importantly in my mind is our responsibility to share the excitement and the passion of what drives us and hopefully ignite that same passion inside them. It is going to be FUN!