Skallywag Adventure Park is still very much a construction site but coming along quickly now. Giant machines trundle across the landscape, giant piles of dirt and gravel litter the site, rebar and bare concrete walls are everywhere and construction materials are stacked throughout. Workers labor in many different areas at once in all manner of tasks. My job today was to lead a team of engineers, foremen and owners through the site trying to get everyone on the same page of how it will appear when we are done, and how everything will relate to each other. The difficulty is that as I look out over the landscape I can clearly see what will be. They see what is present currently. They think in terms of straight lines of the structures and site plans. I hear the wind rustling through the leaves of the yet to be planted trees, and hear the water falling from the water tumbling off the beautiful (not yet there) rockwork. I also see the fourteen shipping containers full of features scattered throughout the site. I also see the rides set up and people enjoying them. It has been many months of typical structure building. In another month or so my task will be to make it look like a magical and imaginary place. This is going to be a whole lot of fun!