A little peek

We've had an incredible project in our idea file for well over a decade. It's a fabulous idea that is begging to be built. We've worked on the story and ideas regularly through the years and developed multiple scenarios which would work in many different ways. We've borrowed ideas from the file a number of times to create other stories and projects. But the core idea has yet to see the light of day as a built out feature. Now at last, after a number of false starts, it may just get built. Sadly, nothing about the idea can be revealed publicly until we pull the curtain aside when the project is opened.... perhaps in late spring of 2017. But to not disappoint, I had to include one small clue...  a new addition to the feature, just designed and sketched this evening as I work on some more drawings and details...  This new addition would serve a functional and practical purpose. If you have to write a guess please do it via email.  We don't want to let the cat out of the bag too soon.  :)