Today was an exciting and extremely busy day as we carefully pulled the heavy features from six containers. We then gingerly moved them across the two and a half care site to place them in their final homes. My job was to direct two large machines and eight people and also ensure the exact placement of the pieces. The day was a gorgeous thirty-one degrees and I logged just over seventeen and a half kilometres. I now have a great start on this summer's tan! Having overseen the placement of the features into the containers I had a good plan of how to take each gigantic piece out. Some of the features weighed as much as eight thousand pounds. A whole day ahead of schedule, by the end of the work day every piece we had planned for was in it's place perfectly. I'll be posting more pictures in coming days. Tomorrow we lay out the work to get ready for my next trip down to supervise the emptying of more containers. I can hardly wait!