Almost a theme park.

Almost on a daily basis I am in contact with the people at Skallywag Bay in Trinidad. By Skype, phone and many emails we communicate about the endless details which need sorting out. I regularly receive photos and then make notes, do drawings and consult about where things should be placed or built. It has been a difficult year to build with all of the rain they've had in that region but progress is being made.

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I pore over each batch of photos I receive, looking for details and clues. I look not only at the image of feature which our clients sent but also in the foreground and background to see what else is going ion and how things are progressing. Every detail is important.

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The courtyard is currently being surfaced and various features are being placed. This all was discussed the last time I was there, drawings were done and notes taken. But building a theme park is not like anything else for we adhere to a visual standard. What looks good on paper is not necessarily what will be done. Many other things are also considered, like sight lines, traffic flows and what will draw the guests through the park. Then there's the inevitable changes, necessitated by need or circumstance. The trick is to keep everything in mind and then create the best possible compromise. It all works - with lots of sweat and time.

I'm looking forward to another trip to the site soon. It's looking more like a theme park every day!