Castle on the move

This morning the giant crane pulled into our yard to load up the castle top and take it to it's permanent home. It weighed in at an impressive 6,500 lbs., an easy lift for the hefty machine. We loaded the rest of the pieces, cinched them down and began the journey up to the lake. It took some careful maneuvering to get the truck and trailer into the tight worksite and into position. Then the process was reversed as the pieces were unloaded and skillfully lifted into place. It took a while for the experienced crew to align the pieces and tighten all of the bolts. Tomorrow the tower tops and flags will cap off the tall castle. Once their crew finishes off the pool we will begin the onsite work to finish off the bottoms of the towers. It changes the look of the water park in a big way!

castle top almost on trailer.png
castle on the move.png
lifting castle top.png
castle top in place.png