Penguins can fly!

Penguins can indeed fly it seems. I offer proof of course. Lickity flew into his permanent home yesterday - with a little help from a very big crane. Our client was kind enough to send along some pictures of the exciting event. We’ve long had a standard for our projects. The measure is that some random passerby needs to stop and take a picture of our sign - before the installation is complete. It is easier than ever these days as everyone carries a camera/cell phone but even so it takes an unusual project to attract this kind of attention in our busy world. Judging from the pictures our client sent us Lickity passed this test with flying colours. In the first pic the gentleman in the upstairs apartment is taking a picture as Lickity flew by. The second picture sent by our client has some kids posing by Lickity too. These pictures were undoubtably shared online which promoted our client’s business - long before they opened their doors for business. I suspect the tough thing will be to get a picture of Lickity without someone posing in front. He’s going to change the character of Lakeshore Drive in Penticton. That’s an effective sign! Mission accomplished.

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