It was another very busy day at the International Sign Association EXPO. The more than 800 ballots were cast by ISA show attendees and were sorted and counted this afternoon. Mo Flint, with an exceptional piece, won handily in the tabletop category in the Sign Invitational contest. My entry garnered a first place finish in the large category for the third year in a row. Mo is to my right, the chief editor of Signs of the Times Magazine, our primary contest sponsor, is to my left. The quality of entries in this year’s event was extremely high. We talked with so many great people during the busy three days of the event. Next year’s contest is a GO in Orlando with many more entrants already signed up and eager to start their pieces. I suspect everyone will be gunning for me next year. But I have no worries for by the time my plane lands in Vancouver this evening I’ll have my concept art for next year’s entry pretty much done. This is going to be fun!