It’s not often I repeat myself creatively but I’ve decided to do two similar pieces for the Sign Invitational next year. I’ve been itching to build this particular idea for a number of years and have been patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity. One of the sculptures will be my official entry in the contest and the other little truck will be displayed at the Coastal Enterprise’s booth at the International Sign Association EXPO in Orlando. The Coastal Enterprise folks have been supporters of the event since its inception and also good friends of ours for many years before that. The two little trucks will not be identical of course since they will be largely hand sculpted. As the builds progress the differences will be more apparent. They’ll be painted different colours as well. But at this early stage the two pieces still look fairly similar. I’ll be building the two little trucks assembly line style, working out the logistics and detail on the first piece and then following (with improvements and refinements) on the second. The hard part I suspect will be to decide which one will be my official entry and which one the folks at Coastal Enterprises will receive. That decision will be made soon as I am almost ready to begin applying the colours to the wheels and frame. The Coastal Enterprise folks have requested a particular hue which will be revealed soon. My official entry will be bright red with lots of weathering and patina from hard use. Stay tuned…