Full scale fun at one twelfth the size

With the shop full to the brim with mostly completed projects and the heavy snow outside we can’t yet make room for some new projects. This means we spend time planning some other things for the near future. One of these exciting projects is the Underhill suite of the Hazelnut Inn. We’ve done some drawings and have given it a lot of thought but the best way to visualize and work out the details is to build a quick scale model. Working in this size is quick and easy. If something isn’t working out we simply cut or bash it off and start over. That’s a whole lot easier , faster and less expensive than working in full scale onsite. Peter made up a shell of the room in accurate one inch to the foot. and then we started blocking out the major areas. Over this we’ll add sculpting epoxy to rough out all of the components. This model won’t be highly detailed and most likely never painted. It is all about solving all of the challenges as quickly as possible. This corner section the bedroom section of the room with the potbellied stove alcove next to it. Stay tuned for more developments as we work things out…

model day 1s.png