Just like the plan in our heads

Inside the North Star suite we are making great progress. But it is at the stage where what you are seeing doesn’t make much sense, unless you can clearly visualize what how it will appear when we are done. It always takes a whole lot of work to bring things to this stage without much to look at. Our first photo today is peering into the soaker tub area. The tub is carefully covered up with a plywood deck so nothing gets scratched or burned as we weld and build around it. The plywood forms for the giant ‘wooden’ beams are fastened in place above but are full of holes to temporarily provide access behind them. We’ll fill those holes when we sculpt the concrete beams. Underneath is a tangle of welded pencil rod which will be giant square stones which are carved with a massive octopus. The necessary pipes and vents are visible, soon to be joined by many more copper lines which will be both functional and decorative. The second photo is taken from the opposite direction, looking into the luxurious sitting area of the suite. This view is just as confusing at this stage to the casual viewer. The jarringly bright colours can be ignored as they are only primers and base coats. Stacked materials ,scaffolding and an abundance of tools add to the confusion. All of the ragged timbers , odd angles and shapes don’t make much sense unless you know how they will appear when finished. You’ll have to trust us when we say it is coming together exactly as planned. Stay tuned…

soaker tub surround s.png
north star construction nov 25 s.png