Showing grampa how it's done

This afternoon Henry (aged two) came to help in the shop. Grandma sent him out the door and he ran the whole hundred yards to the shop. He was so eager and absolutely delighted to come work with me! I was doing my best to get at least a little work done while keeping a very close eye on what Henry was up to. He can cover a whole lot of ground in short order and I know there’s trouble afoot when things get quiet. Henry cleaned the dirt off the backhoe, swept the shop, and tried out a great many tools before deciding he wanted to work on the project I was trying to finish. About this time Matt happened by and took some pictures for me. Henry wasn’t content to simply pose for a photo. He gently but forcefully nudged me to the side and then after watching me tie on some mesh, mimicked my actions perfectly. The time flew by as we worked together. Amazingly, Henry was in the shop for more than an hour and a half, and kept himself extremely busy the whole time without becoming bored or getting into mischief. This boy absolutely loves to work… just like his dad and grampa before him.

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