Legacy prints now online

The world has changed a great deal since the long ago days I last made my sole living by creating and selling fine art. There was no internet back then. Promoting my art meant I loaded up the truck and did a road trip. Each month I would take two or three trips to a different part of the province. My work was displayed in around forty art galleries and frame shops, widely scattered around British Columbia. Each time I left the house Janis would give me a big hug and a kiss and teasingly say “Don’t come home until you’ve sold a thousand bucks worth of art”. It was a joke between us but I would do my very best and almost always would achieve that lofty goal. I would drive from town to town, visiting the art gallery or frame shop in each place and show them my latest work. They would often buy a few pieces for their displays and then I would drive on to the next town and repeat the process. I also did one man art shows in each gallery once or twice each year, sitting at my portable table and sketching up new pieces while I visited with people who would drop by the gallery. I thoroughly enjoyed the long drives back and forth across British Columbia and used the trips to gather countless reference photos as inspiration for future pen and ink drawings. I really enjoyed doing fine art and all of the wonderful people I met along the way. It was a true privilege to draw what appealed to me and have people appreciate it enough to actually pay for it and then proudly hang it on the walls of their homes. Although I’ve gone on to do other things through the years I’ve never lost my love of drawing and have always known in my heart that I would come back to it one day. With the advent of the internet and the ability to self-promote and sell my art online, we felt the time was finally right.

We’ll soon be introducing limited edition prints of new work (which I am currently doing) along with some of my favourite concept art pieces but as a starter we are offering the few remaining limited edition prints that I did back in my early days. These fifteen legacy prints are the last remnants of that art. There aren’t many left. The legacy collection is at https://www.imaginationcorporation.com/fine-art Enjoy.

Carmanah Point.png