Make some noise!

We live across the street from our local fire hall. Each day just before seven o'clock our fire fighters pull the big red trucks from the hall and head down one of the streets of Yarrow. On the hour, they flash the lights and turn on the sirens and sound the horns as a salute to our first responders who are working so hard to protect us. Around our community many go out to their front porches and bang on pots and pans, to add to the noisy tribute to our heroes. Around the province, across the land and around the world I hear, many communities are doing the same. It is one small way to come together and connect in this time of separation. This past week Hailey painted our front windows with some giant flowers in the hope they would provide a little cheer to those who saw them. Small things matter and if we all do a bit it adds up to a lot.

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