Good ideas never go bad

We have a file we call ‘IDEAS NOT USED’ that we treasure. This file contains a host of ideas that missed the mark for a wide variety or reasons. But just because they weren’t accepted doesn’t doom them forever. I did this little ship proposal as a lobby piece for a small insurance company. It was rejected. A while later I reworked it and pitched it once more to a software company. They opted for a much more conventional and corporate approach in the end. But I still loved the idea of this little ship and was determined to find it a home. When it came time to redo our own logo I reworked the tall ship one more time and this time sailed it through the moon. It captured the spirit of our company perfectly and we use it to this day. Other ideas from that treasured file get used occasionally and when we have an idea that doesn’t make the cut we add it to the collection with all the others. Good ideas never go bad.

armada concept.png