
I believe artists see what many others do not - or at least take particular notice of what they witness. For me it has become second nature but we see it in those who work for us as well. Today, Matt handed me a piece of burnt wood he had rescued from a campfire while on his holiday last week. We continually work on our sculpting techniques and one of the textures we’ve been practicing is burned wood. Photographic references work well but a physical sample is a whole lot better. I imagine as Matt sat around the campfire he looked at the wood burning and liked a particular piece. He would have fished it from the fire and I have ono doubt his wife wondered what he was up to. When it was cold Matt carefully packed the burnt wood away and then brought it to work. It will join the many other samples of wood we have fastened to the wall in our studio. We’ll use it to create some new practice samples and eventually work it into a project. Continually looking for new things to reference and practice makes us a whole lot better. Thanks Matt!

burned wood s.png