Why we love living in a small town

Living in a small town has so many benefits. It is a lifestyle that suits our family. Late yesterday afternoon Phoebe’s little bird, Aziraphale, snuck out of the door when Phoebe went to get some fresh greens from the garden. That little bird wasn’t listening when Phoebe called it. Phoebe and grandma chased it blocks down the road from tree to tree but eventually it flew out of sight. There was little they could do. Becke, Phoebe’s mom was out of town for the day but she knew what to do when she got the heartbreaking news. They posted a message on Yarrow’s facebook page, the equivalent to putting up posters on all of the telephone poles in days of old. When it got dark we had to give up. The cage was put outside with the door open- just in case the bird returned. This morning the cage was empty and remained so all day. But in the afternoon Becke got a phone call from our local gas station, about three blocks from our house. A lady from the thrift store, a couple of doors down from the gas station was locking up when Phoebe’s little bird landed on her shoulder. She took it to the gas station and they knew just what to do. Aziraphale made it safely back home thanks to the kindness of the citizens of our little town.

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