Another contender

We often are privileged to build very large features and signs but we have long dreamed of building ‘the world’s biggest’ something - just for kicks. We’ve designed many such projects through the years but for various reasons they were unrealized - until this year. At the beginning of 2021 we fabricated the massive Dene drum which was transported all the way to the Arctic Circle in the Northwest Territories, Canada. It is certainly a worthy contender for the title of the world’s largest diameter drum. And it appears the largess will continue in our shop. Today, we received an official GO! for a super sized hand pump. It will measure about twenty-four feet tall and is destined to be the very largest. (We looked far and wide for a bigger one.) With our client, we’ve managed to wade through the many engineering challenges and logistics to make it possible. On site, our client has already dug the hole, built the forms and tied the rebar for the massive concrete foundation which will be poured very soon. We start cutting, forming and welding steel tomorrow! The gigantic pump is destined for Clovermead Adventure Farm in Aylmer, Ontario. It will be part of a very exciting splash pad expansion. Stay tuned…