Shipping with confidence and style

We ship our completed signs and features far and wide, often many thousands of miles. With this a reality, the challenge is to do this in an efficient manner that allows the pieces to arrive in perfect shape. We design in lift points and attachment plates from the beginning. Then we build custom pallets which are designed to easily load into trucks or containers. They need to fit perfectly, allowing enough room to slide in easily but not shift as they are transported without straps or tie downs. We build these temporary structures early and use them to hold our projects in a comfortable working height while we assemble, sculpt, paint and finish. This pallet will hold three large signs when it is complete. One sign is already mounted. The second sign’s mounting saddle will slip over the large steel tube in the centre. The third sign bolt-down tabs can be seen, already welded to the frame. As a bonus, the signs are strategically arranged on the pallet in such a fashion that our customer is afforded the opportunity to admire them as the large pallet is pulled out of the truck. Nothing is left to chance.

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