Housekeeping the easy way

Keeping our workspaces clean and safe is a critical part of our daily workload. There are regular chores such as disposing of the empty concrete sacks and the general cleaning of the concrete mixing area. But every once in a while it is time to break up and dispose of the hundreds of thin layers of concrete that build up from the mixing process and daily cleaning of the concrete mixer. After a busy build season this concrete can build up a couple of inches or more. This job is generally done in summer, after we finish our busy building season and the hot temperatures are on us. As we considered the project this year we realized it has been at least two and perhaps three years since the last time this was done. I’ve done this job many times through the years myself, but as I got older the heavy labour fell to the younger members of our crew. The job has been traditionally accomplished with pick axes, steel bars and shovels. We would haul it out with the tractor but a front end loader wasn’t up to the task of doing the digging of the concrete surface. The good news this year is our new little backhoe fit into the tight confines with some careful maneuvering. In a few short hours (rather than the usual days) I had the concrete area broken up and dragged out. We’ll throw down a fresh layer of gravel and run the plate packer over it a couple of times to finish the task. Don’t tell the crew, but I actually thoroughly enjoyed doing the job with the tractor and didn’t have to break a sweat. :)

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