Matt's work station

When Matt arrived back at work after his Christmas break his first assignment was to design and fabricate his new workstation. He had no shortage of ideas. He started with a table we had build some time ago. The new improved version of the table would be taller, since Matt is the tallest of stature in our shop. He wanted a expandable chop saw perch, along with a bracket to hang the saw underneath when not in use. This new perch makes the saw level with the table top of course eliminating the use of prop blocks. Matt also designed in ingenious expanding extensions to facilitate larger assemblies when needed. An electrical box on each side was a must, along with levelling screws for when he works in the plasma area where the floor has a slight slope. I know he has other clever ideas in mind as well which will be added as he finds the time between projects. Like most things in life, we all have unique needs and solutions to challenges we encounter. I look forward to seeing Matt’s table evolve as he builds the ultimate workstation. Nice job Matt!