First (cold) ride of the season

I’m not at all a fan of cold temperatures. But I love to ride my bike. The weatherman promised a sunny and ‘balmy’ 7C (45F) today. That’s a little on the cool side (for me) for a ride but bearable. It was foggy this morning but it looked like it was beginning to burn off. Being the optimistic sort, I waited until after noon and then headed out for my first long ride of the season. It definitely felt colder than promised but I figured I would pedal hard and keep warm. As I roared down the trails it didn’t take long for my hands to get really cold. I was wearing good gloves but they didn’t help much. Before long my thumbs lost all feeling. My fingers were almost as bad. The rest of me got rather cold as well. The ride to town was about ten kilometres. I have to admit I dawdled more than a little when I stopped in a store for a sugary treat. I warmed up some but was dreading the ride home against the breeze. The faster I peddled the colder I got but I knew if I slowed down I would be out much longer where I no longer wanted to be. I survived…. barely. When I got back into the warm house I checked the temperature. The weatherman had revised the forecast a little. It was now 1 degree celcius 32 F). No wonder I felt a little chilly on my ride. I believe from now on I’ll stick to my original plan. I’m definitely a fair weather biker.