Still busy being 'retired'

Today, marks another year in my life clock. Sixty-eight years in all - so far. My day was punctuated with many phone calls, messages, emails and in person well wishes for which I am grateful. And as usual (of late) talk has come up of what my retirement might look like and when. My answer hasn’t changed as I’ve grown ‘older’. I retired when I was in my mid-twenties. That’s when I quit my day job (which I disliked immensely) and instead went to my studio each day to design and build fun projects. That is what many who are looking forward to retirement dream of. Purposeful time away from my studio over the recent Christmas holidays made me realize how much I do not want to ‘retire’ from this style of life. I look forward to and still thoroughly enjoy going out to our shop each ‘work’ day, hanging with family and friends (employees) while creating. I finally believe that after more than fifty-three years of making a living with my art that I am just getting good enough to not be faking it any more. I’m having more fun than ever! Why would I want to quit now?