Many things continue to be accomplished at the Hazelnut Inn. The exterior looks complete and beautiful from every angle. The excitement builds daily as passers-by enjoy the beautiful and unusual architecture.. Inside, the different trades are busy, doing a whole lot of work that will never be seen by guests. The plumber is hooking up sprinkler systems, water supplies, drains, irrigation and hot water heating. The electrical is started with much yet to finish. Others are working on fresh air venting and air conditioning. Pipes, wiring, ducting, sprinkler systems and much much more are being installed throughout the building. Our team is busy designing and fabricating the bare bones of the theme work, to determine the locations of the various outlets, vents and taps. Unlike a normal building where these simply poke out of the wall studs, the surfaces of our theme work seldom relates directly to those normal surfaces. In this facility the ceilings are arched, the walls undulate, and the final surfaces are textured to tell our stories. All of those pipes will be hidden, the building controls will be cleverly tucked away or disguised. It is a formidable but fun challenge without a doubt!