Henry rides!

Work is important and we spend plenty of time creating so many wonderful projects. But family is also critical for us. That’s why our studio has always been on the same property as our house. Work and personal time is often blended. The kids spent lots of time in the shop as they grew up and the grandkids continue that tradition. Henry was in the shop again today and did some ‘work’ but it was also time for a wonderful surprise. I’d found a ‘new’ bike at our local thrift store. It was a little bigger than his current ride. It also had no training wheels. He was eager to ride this new bike and with just a small push to get going was off and running. A few more start pushes from grampa were required to get rolling but when I went back to work he was forced to try a little harder as I watched, unseen, from inside the shop. Within a few minutes he was able to get going on his own and he spent the rest of the afternoon pedalling up and down the long driveway, proudly showing off his newfound skill to grandma, dad, Aunty Becky and Uncle Grant. When I went out to grab a video he insisted I send it to his mom right away.