That's a win!

More than ten years ago I taught at a sign making workshop in Indiana. Another fellow who was also teaching was showing me some of the wonderful things he had built. One spectacular piece caught my eye. It was a mechanical fish made into a sign. I jokingly asked him, if he was to do it over, could he do it better. He said yes. He then asked me if I could outdo him. I replied absolutely! Our goodnatured challenge quickly drew others sitting at our table to give it a go and later others who heard of the challenge joined in. Our informal agreement was to create a mechanical fish sign in the next year. We would share our results - just for fun. There were about twenty people from around the world who participated. There was no formal judging - no final result. The idea was that everyone who wished to create a piece would have a new portfolio piece to showcase in their studio or showroom, with the hope of selling more imaginative work to clients.

For years after I was often asked who won our ‘contest’. I told them ‘I did - as did everyone who entered’. First, we all had the pleasure of creating an imaginative piece. Hopefully everyone experimented with new materials and methods and learned a bunch in the process. When we finished we all had a wonderful display piece. I took things much further. I chronicled the experience in our online journal which was ready by thousands of people. I wrote an article which was published in a prestigious trade magazine and reached many more. My mechanical fish sign was also proudly entered in a national and international competition and garnered a first place finish in both. In the last ten years the sign has been seen and admired by every customer and guest in our studio. Best of all, that fun idea I created ten years ago has now been sold. We will soon be creating a life-sized version of the mechanical fish. That’s a win!