Celebrating progress

A visit to our doctor for a progress checkup after my heart surgery was all good news. As the doctor told me, my heart is all good now, I just have to be patient as I fully recover from the surgery. I’m making great progress. I of course pressed her regarding certain ongoing restrictions including my ability to drive a vehicle on the road once more. The answer was it will be another week and a half before I get the OK to get behind the wheel of the car. The good news is that while I impatiently wait for that development our doctor did enthusiastically OK my getting behind the wheel of our ride-mower once again. It’s not often one gets a prescription that is this much fun! This afternoon I couldn’t wait to go to my happy place as I circled the much too-long grass of the lawn. In fact, I set the mower a little higher than usual for an extra long cut on the first pass. I’ll go back tomorrow and do a second pass at the proper height - just because I can.