Blue sky dreams

Every project begins with what we call a ‘blue sky phase’. This happens right after we get a call from a new client -as we make our first pitch of ideas. We carefully listen to the client, assessing their needs, the area demographics, available land and other important factors pertinent to the project. Then we draw up some ‘teaser ideas’ to determine the project's scope and direction. This is the time for us to reach into our magic grab bag of ideas and go for broke. It is pure joy to imagine what is possible and we have no shortage of wild ideas on tap. Recently a client asked us to imagine a project with a logging theme. I know the client was thinking of conventional historical logging but our minds imagined something much more fanciful… ROBOT DINOSAUR LOGGING! It fits the bill perfectly…. colourful, imaginative, fun and hysterical (not historical). We pitched both ideas with great hope for the latter. Alas…. not every idea makes it out of the blue sky dream phase.