Journey back

The third-week post-surgery has been one of rapid improvement as I ‘bounce’ back from my heart adventure. The adventure continues without a doubt. As I slowly get stronger and am able to move a little more confidently I am constantly reminded by Janis, Becke and Peter that I also need to take it easy at the same time. As one who has moved extremely fast my entire life, slowing down to half speed is a very hard lesson to learn. I still tire easily and I am trying my best to not overdo it when I’m feeling good.

Over the last five weeks, I have been fully supported by family and friends, both near and far and I am truly grateful. I want to express a huge thank you to those who stopped their daily routines to visit me in the hospital and here at home. I appreciate every single phone call, message, note and email from my many friends and family who encourage me on my journey back.

This afternoon as I reflected on the events of the last five weeks I drew up this sketch of Henry and I walking out to the shop. It is based on a favourite photo Becke took a few years ago. This drawing speaks of my journey back to all that I love so much. A print of this drawing will be included in my note of thanks to the many nurses, doctors and staff at the hospitals who cared for me so faithfully during my stay there.