Going green fast

The usual procedure on construction projects is that the landscaping is done just before the opening. We’ve taken a very different approach with the Hazelnut Inn. We are still some time from the opening with a fair amount of work to be done on the interior. But the exterior is now largely complete. Over the last year we’ve kept an eye open for landscaping materials. Becke has sourced many plants from people’s yards as they redo their landscaping. In the process we’ve scored many good sized prized specimens that fit perfectly with our plan. Becke has also kept her eye out for great deals on suitable plant materials. We need a great many plants to finish the landscaping. Planting smaller perennials a year before we open gives them time to mature and grow and allows us to save a ton of money in the process. So if you happen by the Hazelnut Inn and it looks like it is finished and might open very soon…. know it will be a while yet. Also know that the wait will be worth it.