Innovative display

We've designed and are in the process of building a new trade show table/display for our good friends at Coastal Enterprises who provide our Precision Board high-density urethane. Typically, they ship a pallet of samples and display pieces to a show and then use a portable table to display them on. After the show, they are forced to wait for the pallet to be returned to the booth before they can pack up to ship everything back to headquarters. Often it is a couple of hours or more of waiting at the larger shows. We offered the perfect solution. Our plan was to build a sturdy table (with lockable wheels. The hidden space underneath the display is plenty large so samples can be packed inside for shipment. After the show, they can pack everything away in a hurry and get on with their lives while all the vendors around them wait for their crates and pallets to be delivered from the backroom. A generous amount of decorative rivets will be welded into the round holes. The large rectangular holes will be filled with textured panels of Precision Board to showcase some uses of the high-density urethane. Some removable, dimensional QR codes and a Coastal Enterprises logo will be mounted on the front of the table. These will be easily removed for transport. We plasma cut the steel for the display this morning and by quitting time I had finished the bulk of the welding and assembly. The Precision Board panels and signs are all routed and in the painting/glazing process. Next two weeks we should be able to complete this project and have it on the way to California and then off to shows around North America. Stay tuned…