It was another loading day at our shop. We do our best to keep it a low stress day. Our crew knows what to do as we’ve done it countless times through the years. We also love to work with our trusted partners. The drivers at JD Transport know the tricks of backing a trailer down our long driveway, without unduly holding up traffic on the road. They also know exactly how we like our loads secured so as to not damage the fragile paint on the features. Greg, at Wishlow cranes is a skilled professional and is smooth and steady with every lift. Hand signals are all we need rather than shouting directions needlessly. We hooked and loaded the features in less than an hour to fill the trailer from end to end with a whole three inches to spare. They are now on their way to Vala’s Pumpkin Patch in Gretna, Nebraska. I’ll be getting up extra early on Friday morning to catch a flight. Saturday morning I’ll be on the farm to greet the driver and supervise the unload and installation of this year’s crop. Stay tuned for updates…