Next project!

Peter and I are often asked which is our favourite project. The answer never varies… the next one! While we look back on countless amazing projects we always anticipate the next. The next project will undoubtedly take us where we’ve never been before. It will raise our bar higher than ever. Each new project will challenge us as never before. Today, I had the privilege to dream about exciting projects for next year and beyond with two clients. Ideas were shared and discussed, and they were designed and redesigned on the fly as we chatted. Anything is possible at this stage and as we explored various ideas I scribbled frantically in my sketchbook creating ‘notes’ that would guide me as things progress in the coming days and weeks. We made wonderful progress and settled on the beginnings of some wonderful projects. I enclose one of those sketches for your enjoyment… This is going to be fun and will most definitely be a favourite project…. until the next one…