Shoehorning the SHOPSabre into its new home

The new SHOPSabre CNC router was a tight fit into our router room. The machine had to be squeezed in with about three quarters of an inch of clearance above and about an inch and a half on each side. Since our forklift was too tall to fit through the door we had to get creative. The solution was to build a custom pallet with swivel wheels that lifted the machine a half inch off the floor. We used the forklift to place the machine on our pallet and provide a little oomph to get it up the slight incline to the garage door. Once we hit the smooth concrete we could easily maneuver the machine into place. We then jacked it up using some rolling car jacks and took out the pallet and installed the levelling bolts. Assembling the various bits was quick and easy. Tomorrow our electrician will do the hard part and then we will be ready to create MAGIC once more!