Bishop's Pumkin Farm

Back into production!

On the first work day of 2022 we jumped into production on the first sign for Vala’s Pumpkin Patch. At this stage is is hard to see the final shape so you will have to trust us when we say it will be the second coolest BBQ sign in all of the land. The first coolest BBQ sign will be started later tomorrow. It will be a similar sign but almost TWICE as big! Stay tuned for much, much more…

Selfie opportunity

One of the standards we hold to our signs is that we want someone to stop and take a selfie beside it before we even finish the installation. We almost never fail - even if the installation goes really quick. These days it is easier than ever as everyone carries a phone camera in their pocket but it still holds true. When we can combine a sign with a photo opportunity it is easier than ever. We are working on the designs for Bishop’s Pumpkin farm in California and they asked for just this type of sign. We were happy to comply.

hay ride sign - photo op.jpg

Gold rush!

I’ve long admired the classic ‘gold rush’ style of lettering and ornamentation. Our latest pumpkin farm project is in northern California and features some buildings whose architecture harkens to that period. It’s the perfect opportunity to do a sign system using this wonderful theme. I did a little research this morning and then warmed up my digital pencil. This is going to be fun!

asssayer office corn dog sign.jpg