Fresh as new

It has been a while coming as it was a spare-time project but the front planter area of the shop is now fully repainted. We took the time to hang the Imagination Corporation sign yesterday. This week we’ll plant the shrubs and put in a layer of bark mulch to finish things off. Our hope is to finish off the rest of the building soon. Stay tuned…

Starship Enterprise

The new heavy-duty Becker vacuum pump for the new Shop Sabre CNC router arrived yesterday. It is massive and weighs in at a hefty 600 lbs. We decided to mount it over our auxiliary compressor tank, as space in the router room is at a premium. Keith welded up a sturdy frame, and we lifted the compressor (with the forklift) and then rolled the assembly into the router room. It bolted securely to the wall with three good-sized lag bolts. We decided the vacuum pump looked a lot like the Starship Enterprise. :)

Garden is sculpted!

The UnderHill garden at the Hazelnut Inn was a busy place today as the crew worked hard to finish off the last of the sculpting and also began the base coats of colour. Over the next while, the painters will work on the blends and glazes to ready the garden for the landscaping. We’ll load up the planters with soil and then start the perennials before the cold winter temperatures set in. Inside the suite, they are also making great progress on the tying on of the galvanized lath. The sculpting inside will hopefully begin late next week. Stay tuned…